
日期:2022-05-24 22:40:00 / 人气:2117


地面光伏支架系统广泛用于光伏大型电站支架的建设,目前主要有钢材质和铝材质。综合全球的施工业绩,型钢地面光伏支架系统使用的范围占比比较大,铝质地面光伏支架系统使用的占比比较小。 钢质光伏支架系统具体经济性价比高,强度高,标准的户外使用标准,全球的认可度比较高。铝质光伏支架系统具有防腐、不生锈、美观、易安装等优点,其主要防腐防锈能力突出发,适用于地面小型或屋面中型光伏发电系统的安装,轻便方便施工。

Ground photovoltaic support

Applicable overview:
The ground photovoltaic support system is widely used in the construction of photovoltaic large-scale power station supports. At present, there are mainly steel and aluminum materials. Based on the global construction performance, the use of the steel ground photovoltaic mounting system accounts for a relatively large proportion, and the aluminum ground photovoltaic mounting system accounts for a relatively small proportion. The steel photovoltaic mounting system has high economical cost performance, high strength, standard outdoor use standard, and high global recognition. The aluminum photovoltaic support system has the advantages of anti-corrosion, no rust, beautiful appearance and easy installation.


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